Primary/Head Start

A Love for Learning
3 - 5 years

The Primary program is truly a gift to your child. Designed for children between the ages of 3 to 5 years, it is an opportunity to nurture his individual development within the context of a group setting. The result? Self-confidence, joy and a lifelong love-for-learning.

Child Centered (Not Teacher Centered)

Unlike conventional classrooms, where all children are expected to pay close attention to the teacher, our program does the opposite – the teacher is trained to closely observe your child’s interests, tendencies and needs. You won’t see the teacher standing at the front of the classroom at a chalkboard, but rather down at your child’s level, engaged with her or a small group.

It's a Mixed-Age Classroom

Because the curriculum is individualized, your child can work at his or her own pace while participating in a mixed age classroom community. Your younger child learns by observing the behavior and activities of the older children. Your older child gains self-confidence, leadership skills and responsibility by setting an example for her younger friends.

The Gift of Choice

Your child will be introduced to a broad range of concepts and activities in individual and small group lessons. The real learning, however, occurs through independent activity by choosing to explore it, repeat it and perfect it.

Beautiful Hands-on Materials

The scientifically designed Montessori materials help your child learn through hands-on use and exploration. Through continued use, he develops as a concrete understanding of abstract concepts, such as mathematics, providing a solid foundation for learning into the future.

Group Activities and Play

While most of the day is spent in self-directed work, there are also times for group activity and play. The teacher may gather a group for songs or to tell stories about a cultural, scientific or historical theme of interest. Ample time is also given to run, dig, explore and play with friends outdoors.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Instead of a top down curriculum based upon age, the teacher is trained to respect your child’s unique potential and connects him with the lesson best suited at that precise moment of development. Your child will be challenged according to her ability, not to a generic standard.

Head Start

  • Head Start is an early childhood (ages 3-5) education program funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The program encompases not just the child’s classroom experience, but their whole self, assisting their social, emotional, cognitive and physical well-being. Head Start knows that each student comes to MSE with varying backgrounds, family dynamics and resources. Its child-focused approach includes working closely with families, helping caregivers identify their own strengths, needs and interests, ultimately improving the education and quality of life for MSE children. 
  • Head Start’s programming is grounded in the following beliefs:
  • Young children are innately curious. Their zest for learning is grounded in an elemental desire to understand themselves, their community, and the world at large. 
  • A teamwork-oriented staff and a supportive learning environment provide optimal learning for children and adults alike.
  • An interconnected network of community care, education and services is necessary to adequately scaffold student development. 
  • Head Start at the Montessori School of Englewood touches each family member of the students it serves. Children will develop the necessary social, emotional and academic skills to succeed in kindergarten and beyond, while caregivers can hone their ability to advocate for themselves and their families. With an extra boost from Head Start, students and family members alike can realize their fullest potential as self-reliant individuals, with the confidence to be the architects of their futures. 

Head Start Strategic Plan 2022-2023


Board of Directors Roles and Responsibilities for Head Start


Montessori 101: For Ideal Learning (Head Start Network)

Download the Slideshow

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a tour online. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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